Doc, How Long Will My Recovery Take?
The Number Three Question I Am AskedDoc, How Long will my recovery take?
Great Question! It depends-Each individuals response to treatment varies based upon severity of injury and a number of other factors such as age, over all physical condition, smoking status etc.. Back and Neck Pain Cases come in grades. The grading system allows for a more accurate classification and enhances our ability to help you recover as fast as possible. We want for you to get all of your Range Of Motion (ROM) back and not feel any pain or discomfort when living your life. We use a system that has 5 grades: (ROM = Range of motion)

- Grade 1 injury is painful but no decreased ROM and no radiating pain or paresthesia.
- Grade 2 injury is painful with decreased ROM.
- Grade 3 injury is painful with decreased ROM and radicular symptoms.
- Grade 4 injury has pain, decreased ROM, radicular symptoms and discogenic involvement.
- While grade 5 injury is unstable and will probably require possible surgical intervention.
An average course of treatment is 12 visits, some problems get better quicker and some more complex and severe problems such as an auto accident or major back problem can often take longer, even several course of treatment. Each individual injury is different and patients response to treatment varies –but in many cases the patient will see positive improvements in as few as 4 to 6 treatments.We have no long term treatment plans and will release you from care as soon as possible.